Little Knowledge About Ganja / Marijuana

marijuana or Canabis is known as a type of psychotropic drugs, actually it not proven to cause opium if we compared marijuana with other types of drugs or even cigarettes .

marijuana is cannabis sativa plant species from the kingdom Plantae division Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Order Urticales class family Cannabaceae Genus Cannabis.

The effects of marijuana use:

* Euphoria (feeling happy, laughing, smiling, and acting stupid)
* Lazy or relaxed,
* Slow in thinking,

* More detail,
* More creative,
* Increased appetite,
* Vomiting for those who are unfamiliar using marijuana,
* Pain killer (for medical),
* Time feels slow,
* Red eyes,
* Dehydration (always thirsty)
* Stare, etc.

substances contained in marijuana / cannabis:
THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol)

CBD (cannabidiol that are proven to help prevent cancer)

marijuana is used for treatment by a medical team, for example:

* Reduce pain in people with AIDS and Epilepsy
* Reduce the nausea caused Chemotheraphy in patients with lung cancer, brain cancer, and breast cancer)
* Cure anorexia
* Reduce anxiety in patients with Alzeimer (can also protect this disease)
* Reduce tension in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder
* Lowered blood pressure in people with high blood
* Open a channel for the lungs of asthma sufferers
* Used marijuana in the police as truth serum while being interrogated the suspect (still have not clearly this statement is true or not)

countries that legalize marijuana:

* India (used for religious rituals)
* Netherlands
* Pakistan (used by the flow of Sufi and Hindu to euphoria)
* Uruguay (should only be consumed but not produced by an individual)
* Canada (only used for medical purposes)
* Germany (only allowed to be consumed but not produced by an individual)
* Israel (only used for medical purposes)
* Jamaica (only used for medical purposes)
* Mozambique (may not be used in public places)
* In some American states such as Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington (only used for medical purposes and there are heavy regulations of ownership)
* Austria (only used for medical purposes)
* Spain (only used for medical purposes)

According to the book "Emperor Wears No Clothes - Jack Herer"
(just the outline) in the world due to illegal marijuana by 1 person, whose name Dupont (roughly the 1930's) .. Dupont is the largest textile company owner at that time, he pay some scientists to find strongest fabric .. one of the scientest Wallace Hume Carothers found that if fiber of the cannabis plant is the best and strongest fibers ever found, because human nature is greedy, Dupont also want monopolize the cannabis plant is (let's just him who have), but eventually the governments found it and taxed by local governments, and the tax is really expensive ..
and year April 29, 1937 (approximately 2 years after the tax coined for marijuana), the father of Wallace Hume Carothers suicide
from there the start there was speculation that the Wallace died because most cannabis consumption .

some say that the game Dupont and the media, so let canabis illegal because effectnya leads criminal action (although the exact effect is hungry, tired, lazy, and always laugh, how wanted criminals try to do a criminal? ..)

If in Indonesia cannabis / marijuana / canabis legalized, the impact to the economy will be chaotic.that was gold as a means of measuring the world economy, turned to marijuana which became benchmarks and developed countries that could bankrupt a sudden .. (Actually Indonesia as one of the world's largest cannabis producing countries )

according to the book, canabis plant have a functions :
Trunk: more robust than a coconut tree, it could be building materials.
Fiber: more powerful than any cloth fibers, could be the raw material of textile, fiber can also be used as raw material for the best paper in the world that can not decayed.
Seed: when seeds from roasted canabis plants, will produce oil .. oil can be used as fuel.
Leaf: make a food delicious , and for medical use are also (see above) ..

and by the Jack Herer .. 1 hectare of forest of marijuana can produce the same amount of paper with 4.1 acres of forest industry, the production time of 20 years

so besides the negative, there is also the positive effect of the plant canabis

1 comment:

  1. A great testimony I must share to all cancer patients in the world. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in
    March 2013. The doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering his lower lobe and also had
    spread to his lymph nodes. We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain. Ed hated the morphine which
    made him vomit and also affected his mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on
    ourselves.We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain. The cancer had blocked his bile duct, after that we choose a
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    6000 to normal and he is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks. As i am
    writing this post, my husband is free from liver cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer was cured permanently. For
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